I <3 Suzanne

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I've been banging my head against the keyboard trying to plot a plot! Thank you--back to just writing scenes which make me happy and I'll figure out the through path as I go. Or not. Either way, definitely more fun than beats and inciting events, etc (Not denigrating those but they clearly don't work for me.)

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Loved this so much I took multiple screenshots. "Plot" in the traditional sense has its place, but thank you for the reminder to follow joy in writing 💛

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So good, thank you. Wrote down 2 quotes and pasted above my desk as literary guardian angel talk. <3

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Suzanne, you are so right. IT IS FUN! IT IS FUN! I thought it would be work...(and it is)...but it's SO MUCH FUN. If it isn't, why are we doing it?? Thanks!

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As I was reading I was thinking "this way of thinking about creation is very Lynchian" and then, bam! David Lynch quote! Loved this.

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Fabulous. Thank you! ✨✨✨

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